Not bad at all!
Not bad at all!
Why thank you for those "Not bad at all!" words, my friend! :D
Yes, hope, which is what most of us people nowadays lack. :(
Thanks for the five stars, though! :D
Tomorrow: 1000000000 fans special
Maybe... lol :D
Another comment. Enjoy!
Another gratitude/thanks for HighStrike. Enjoy!
Cool, that's GOOD too! Thanks, buddy! :D
Well, thanks for the NICE word, my friend! :D
Thanks friend! :3
This song is the worst one I have see.
Here is some advices:
1:20 It is very bad
2:30 It is very terrible
They are the worst part of the song.
(I will change the star rate after you read this because I am fooling you!)
I read your review, HighStrike, and I think I am going to say...
Whenever you're ready lol :D
very epic
super very epic
extremely super very epic
Thank you
Very thank you
Super very thank you
extremely super very thank you
The End Does Not Exist
TEDNE School
TEDNE Development Surface
Joined on 8/29/20